MTL Connect
The fourth edition of MTL connect presented by Printemps Numérique took place from October 15th to 23rd.
A look back at our participation in this international event
event that addresses the digital domain and its socio-economics, social, cultural and environmental impacts.
The hope of seeing the world differently
Under the theme "ECO(Systems) of Hope", some ten thousand participants and investors gathered to explore the avenues of
a digital field that generates wealth and resilience. We took the opportunity to to present the Virgo technology and its innovative approach to challenges that faced the agriculture industry.
We are convinced that it is essential to optimize and adapt
the current model in order to ensure a smooth transition towards sustainability, and that it must be achieved through
the implementation of new technologies and the automation
of the production cycle
The objective of our presentation was to invite participants to think about agriculture differently. The use of Virgo technology will, among other things, reduce the carbon footprint emitted by the food chain. Our process is 61 times more efficient than field farming in terms of units produced per area, using on average 95% less water and limiting organic losses by 50%.
Thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence and the automation of the overall process, our rotary drum cultivation system is able to collect data at each production cycle. This allows us to adjust our operations in order to grow quality and consistent food in a controlled environment. This way, communities around the world will have access to food on a regular basis, regardless of the ecosystems, without worrying about the vagaries of the weather due to climate changes.
This demonstrates that technological innovations are part of the solution to environmental problems and that they can contribute to the resilience of territories.
Our project shines
MTL connects, through its platform of exchange of ideas
and connections, has allowed us to make our project known
on the local scene as well as to develop our international relationships. Various important players such as Desjardins, KPMG, Microsoft and our partner, Zone Agtech were present
among the events participants.
Our project aroused a lot of curiosity and interest
from participants. We can say that that we have fulfilled
our objectives by participating to the event!
We have witnessed the excitement that our technology is generating among that audience which is what pushed us
to register for this year’s Coopérathon. This open innovation competition in Canada aims to connect communities, entrepreneurs, researchers and academics to develop
a socially responsible future.
Our ambition is to be an agent of change towards sustainable prosperity and we will demonstrate how we can leverage artificial intelligence to address global and human health
issues in a near future.
The first round of presentations to the Coopérathon
was on October 26th.
We will keep you informed of the next activities related
to this event!
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